Thursday, April 19, 2012

very Confused

Hi Everyone

I went to sunny beach last year, and we had a great time, actually are going back in July, but with all I%26#39;m reading about the crime and rip off merchants, I am considering cancelling (even at a loss) the worst thing is I have recommended it and 2 lots of my friends are going, in fact 1 party there at present and 1 party going in Sept.

We never found this sort of thing last year at all, a few beggars etc, but no-one we felt was ripping us off, the reports this year have been particularly scary, especially when restaurants, bars etc are ripping people off.

I know this kind of thing happens all over the world, but looking at other forums, sunny beach seems to be the worst by far


Hi - I%26#39;m going for the fourth time next month and there is NO WAY I would cancel mine :) I can%26#39;t wait. I am beside myself with excitement already!



There have been some bad reports this years..but there are more positive ones than negative.

I%26#39;ve been going twice a year for over 10years...and going back for 3 weeks this Friday.

It is a matter of being aware and taking the same precautions as you would anywhere. You will find that the bad reports refer to the main strip along the beach and Flower Street(the pedestrian street from the Kuban to the beach).

Why dont you check how your friends are getting on.

Hope you enjoy your stay in July.


I m sure sunny beach is not gone as bad as some reports have said. I find if you mind your own business no on will bother ya and be as vigilant as you would be in any other holiday destination.

My friend was in portugal lately and someone got into their apt stole all her jewellery, camera , and phone. While she slept in bed !!!!!! Crazy i know but it happens allover no matter where you go. Just be careful and you ll have no problems.

We ve never had any problems in sunny beach or seen anyone else having them.


Thanks for your replies it has made me feel better,

as someone said to me some people do exaggerate somethings out of proportion




Would you walk around Ireland with your purse on show in your handbag, or pull out loads of Euros to pay for a meal (rather than keep smalll amounts in different pockets to pay for stuff) so everyone saw how much money you have? I GUESS NOT!

Just don%26#39;t do it when on holiday. People become too laid back and easy targets as the hot weather, beer and wine start flowing.

If you walk around looking as though everyone is going to mug you you will draw attention to yourself.

Stay in a group, stay in English dominated bars to begin with if you feel uncomfortable and then venture out to local bars near the toursit routes so English people will always be near by.

Go with an open mind and you will love it!! The cheap food and drink, the hot weather and clean beaches!!!!!!!!!!!

When you come back from hols in July put a comment on here and let us know how you got on.

Me and my girlfriend are going over beginning of July, in august and in September....we have an apartment over we love it and have not seen any trouble. ENJOY!



Just got back from Sunny Beach and we had a great time. It%26#39;s looking much smarter than before and less of a building site but prices are rising rapidly. Still cheap enough to enjoy though. There is a very heavy security operation within the resort (heavies everywhere) plus newly installed CCTV. I doubt very much if any violent criminals would get far. Have a great time and don%26#39;t worry.


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