Thursday, April 19, 2012


Lesley1974, noticed you were back. Did you get a chance to look at the kids menu while you were there?

Did you take travellers cheques or Nationwide card?

Do you pay a fee if you take money from the ATM? Sorry for all the questions but i am freaking out now after reading the new posts about Bulgaria. Beginning to wish I hadn%26#39;t booked.



Sorry no info on the Iberostar but Im sure Toonman will be on later. He stays at this hotel.

Travellers will pay about 10% commission when changing and also need to carry your passport. Nationwide have the best rate and no charges.You will pay charges when using other cards at ATMs. So, Nationwide card or clean, unmarked notes. Use only banks or exchange marked with a blue CROWN, or your hotel. You usually get a slightly lower rate at hotels. NEVER be tempted to change money at any other booth and deffo not if approached on the street.

Relax and enjoy your holiday.


Hi, You won%26#39;t have to worry about kids. They always have chips,pizza and loads of gorgeous desserts. Never seen a skinny kid there.

We take our Nationwide card with us along with a small amount of lev to see us thru%26#39; our first day.

Nationwide do not charge you so much as a single penny for using your card in ATM%26#39;s other bank cards charge approx 4.95%. They also happen to give you a better return on levs than even in resort. Take a Nationwide card.

Just note there are more positive comments than negative ones.

I think Spain is a dump but others don%26#39;t so there.




Good to read your above post..knew it wouldn%26#39;t be too long before you joined the forum.

I appreciate everyone%26#39;s taste is different but I agree with you. The Bulgarians are much friendlier than the Spanish, I think the language problem. for some, gives the wrong impression. I have BG friends who only had German lessons at school but they do make an effort with english language and of course have great pleasure in (trying) to teach us bulgarian!!

I off on Friday for 3 weeks and will report on my return on 12th July.


Hi welshlady, Hope you thoroughly enjoy your break. Can%26#39;t wait for mine to come around.

Bit concerned over some of the brochure prices for next year. If they stick to them I can see a drastic reduction in visitors from our shores.



Cheers toonman

I am sure we will enjoy and wonder why 3 weeks passes so quickly. Hope to return first week September.

Dont bother with package deal. Always go flight only and are friends with a small hotel owner. Would be nice to get some budget airlines flying from Manchester though.

Hope Mrs Toonman still making good progress.


Thanks Guys. You%26#39;re right Toonman there are more positive comments than negative ones, we tend to keep ourselves to ourselves on holiday anyway and won%26#39;t be out drinking at night so I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll be fine. Hope you both enjoy your holidays.


It%26#39;s me again Welshlady, Problem with flight only is next year they are cutting the number of flights and the price of fuel is making the prices ridiculous.




I stayed at the Iberostar Sunny Beach last month and thought the food was really good, we all did. We enjoyed the kids food too - especially the deep fried potatoe wedges and pizza! The lasagne was great as were the salads and deserts, plus loads more variety. Drinks in the restaurant were about 2 levs for a soft drink or water and about 3 for a beer if I remember rightly.

Re your Nationwide card. I agree with Toonman, I always use my Nationwide card and not only do you NOT get charged any commission, the rate is always better too.

Have a great time!


I stayed at the Iberostar earlier this month and I have to say I was not impressed by the food. We ate out the last 2 nights as we were so fed up with not being able to eat much. We%26#39;re vegetarian though, so I suppose that was part of the problem.

I%26#39;ve stayed at Iberostar Las Dalias in Tenerife, and the food is not a patch on theirs! We returned to Las Dalias because of the nice food! I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;s all down to personal taste, but I think in general in Bulgaria they don%26#39;t seem to import much food - so if you don%26#39;t like the local stuff you have a bit of a problem. Similarly with meat.


Hi Lesley, Sorry to hear about the food issue. As you say it is a personal choice and I note the post just prior to yours was complimentary about it.

How was the rest of the hotel and is it still up to standard? We go back in September.

You said you ate out the last couple of nights, did you find a decent veggie option as other readers would be interested in where?


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