Friday, March 23, 2012

Any native Bulgarian speakers able to translate??

Hi there

I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to translate the following me? My daughter has a severe nut allergy and i would like to take the following with me to restaurants/cafes:

I have a severe allergy to all nuts and must not eat or come into contact with them. This will cause an allergic reaction possibly resulting in death. Please check that the ingredients of my meal do not includeany nuts and have been prepared in a nut free environment.

In the event of an emergency please call an ambulance.

Looking forward to hearing from someone!!


Hi Jimbo,

If you go to then click on Forums ( Bulgaria ) and post the same question or send a guy called Baldur a private message. He lives in a small village in the country for a good part of the year and is the most knowledgeable guy on Bulgaria I know so he should be able to help.

There are also a couple of local Bulgarians who contribute on the forum, Discolazur and BulgarianFan so they too should be able to help.



Hi a friend of mine is a native bulgarian and has perfect english also . If you email the exact wording to me . I ll send the bulgarian equivalent on to you.


There you go:


Имам ОСТРА АЛЕРГИЯ КЪМ ВСЯКАКВИ ЯДКИ (орехи, фъстъци и пр) и В НИКАКЪВ СЛУЧАЙ не трябва да се съдържат в храната ми, нито да попадат в контакт с мен. В противен случай ще получа АЛЕРГИЧЕН ШОК с възможен фатален изход. Моля НИКАКВИ ЯДКИ да не попадат или да не са в досег до храната ми.


Note - the english text doesn%26#39;t make much sense in Bulgarian if translated directly and probably a shorter message could do.


I am native Bulgarian. The translation above is reasonable and accurate.

I have 2 suggestions to the person posted the question.

(1) It is just not very clear (in the English text) about the kind of contact which might put the person in danger.

Is it only the oral contact dangerous, i.e. by the food itself or food being prepared in contact with nuts,


the touch of the person to nuts (by hand for example) is also dangerous.

Would be good to have this clarified.

(2) Also, I%26#39;d advice you to list EXACTLY the nuts... As far as health and life are concerned, I would not rely on knowledge/understanding/interpretation of the restaurant personnel what is considered as %26quot;nuts%26quot;.

This might sound you silly but trust me, but -as far as language and culture specifics shall be considered- better list. I will translate the list for you.



With regards to the contact its ANY contact i.e. ingredients, utensils used that may have touched nuts, hands that have handled nuts etc. Basically we need to avoid all contact with nuts.

With regards to the type of nut, at this stage we have to say all nuts as we only know for sure about Peanuts but the hospital have advised against all nuts at this stage.

if there is anything i should add to the information then i would be greatfuky if you could supply it for me.





I%26#39;ll then make a list of all possible nuts which might be used, and will try to modify your announce in a manner ensuring that Bulgarian staff will understand that they must take any possible precautions so as to prevent ANY kind of contact (direct or indirect) of your food with ANY kind of nuts.

I%26#39;ll try to write it in a manner making them understand that they MUST respect it (i.e. it%26#39;s not recommendation but obligation), while accurate interpretation will ensure understanding but not necessarily- respecting.

I%26#39;m finishing my work and backpacking to the sea now but will manage to prepare the modified text for you in Bulgarian and post it here.

I%26#39;ll also add the English translation of Bulgarian text, to let you judge if it%26#39;s appropriate.

BTW, my husband is a medical doctor so if you have any summary which shall be possibly addressed to medical personnel (hope you won%26#39;t need such), send me PM, I%26#39;ll translate them to you also (I%26#39;ve translated medical studies so I%26#39;m OK with terminology, etc.)

BTW, I%26#39;d recommend you to check with your med.staff whether possible smell of baked nuts would harm, because in summer there are open-air places where nuts are baked on site and sold, and smell is felt through the area

It%26#39;s human health and life so...


Hi Jimbo

Has anyone been able to do this for you. If not, give me 24 hours and I%26#39;ll have the translation for you.



Here you go...


Имам ТЕЖКА АЛЕРГИЯ към всички видове ядки (ФЪСТЪЦИ, бадеми, лешници, орехи, сусам, слънчоглед, кедър и т.н.)


- храната ми да не съдържа ядки [или съставки, приготвени на основата на ядки];

- да не се допуска контакт с ядки на: храната; приборите и съдовете, в които се приготвя и поднася; лицата, приготвящи и сервиращи храната.


В случай на алергична реакция, моля незабавно да се обадите на Бърза помощ.


The above, translated back in English (following the meaning, not the exact wording), looks like this:


I have SEVERE ALLERGY to all types of nuts (PEANUTS, almond nuts, hazelnut, walnut, sesame, flax seed, sunflower seed, cedar seed, etc.)


- to ensure that my food does not contain any nuts [or any contents based on nuts];

- not to allow any contact with nuts of: the food itself; the utensils via/in which the food is prepared and served; the individuals preparing and serving the food


At event of allergic reaction, please immediately call the ambulance.


I%26#39;m not sure if the text in these [...] brackets does have sense- I added it, following your guidelines.

If it%26#39;s not appropriate, just remove from the Bulgarian text the part which is in [...]

It%26#39;s maybe not appropriate place for what I%26#39;ll write below and you didn%26#39;t ask for this but anyway I%26#39;ll share it as I have some experience and knowledge in this area. Please, do not respond to below, it%26#39;s just FYI.

Honestly, I don%26#39;t believe your kid has allergy to ALL types of nuts neither that ANY kind of contact with nuts is harmful. It%26#39;s most probably over diagnosed.

It%26#39;s not possible to keep the kid in so nut-free environment, bearing in mind (as minimum) that most of nuts are base for oils used in cooking and kid%26#39;s cosmetics...; for sure your daughter had tactile contact with her friends which have just eaten or touched nuts..., etc.

I wish you to get more precise diagnostics, which will make the kid more precautions-free, and same for you.

Usually doctors advise high level of precautions and say that allergy will past by having kid grow up, at latest in teenager%26#39;s times. It is actually possible to solve this much earlier, in most cases. Hope yours is one of them. Good luck


if we go into nuts-based foods/ingredients, here%26#39;s something to beware of...

The flavoring utensils which you%26#39;ll find or will be brought at your table, usually contain: salt, pepper, vinegar, oil. The oil is usually based on sunflower seeds (the spell in Bulgarian is %26quot;slanchoglEdovo olio%26quot;=%26quot;слънчогледово олио%26quot;).

If you consider it could put your daughter in danger, you shall ask for olive oil (BG spell: %26quot;zehtIn%26quot;=%26quot;зехтин%26quot;).

The capital letters in BG spell indicate the accents.


StelaSD - this remarkable, the help you gave this guy. Thanks!

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